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Pilot Rankings

Commercial/Cargo Pilot (Grade 3+)

These Pilots help get both our precious Cargo and People to their destinations.


Rank 1 (40,000XP)

These Rookie Pilots are placed on domestic routes in the Airbus A319 to gain experience, and to get familiar with the aircraft and to get familiar with different routes they've been assigned.

Rank 2 (50,00XP)

These Pilots are moved up to fly on Boeing and Airbus Airplanes, excluding the Wide body Aircraft

Rank 3  [Co-Pilot] (55,000XP)

They're starting to become veteran pilots! These Pilots will be in the Co-Pilot seats of Wide Body airplanes and help out our fellow Captains on long, International Flights. They also now have access to the 777-200F and 747-8F Cargo aircraft.

Rank 4 [Captain] (65,000XP)

As Captain, these Veteran Pilots are now eligible to fly any aircraft safely, and efficiently. They have access to all aircraft and are able to fly where ever needed. They also teach Rookie Pilots how to fly!

Will you become our next best Pilot?

Will You become out next Best Pilot in our Virtual Airline? We welcome those who have Aviation Blood or just want to know what it's like to fly for an airline, we want to see you fly for us on some awesome and amazing routes that we will assign you! We hope to have you as a part of our team Today, and maybe become one of the Best Pilots to fly for our Airline as an Air Taxi Pilot or Commercial/Cargo Pilot, come on in and we will be happy to help you start your Career!


Application: (opens Google Forums)

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